In-Person Specialty Courses

  • S-901 Manip with Ease
  • S-921 Advanced Concepts for the Overhead Athlete
  • Optimizing Functional Gains in MSK Practice
  • A Manual Therapy Approach through Pregnancy and Beyond 

Scroll down to see course descriptions and click the course image for location/dates and to register.

S-901 Manip With Ease

Learn How to Handle Patients of all Sizes

Instructors: Jessica Smith-Blockley, PT, DPT, OCS, COMT, FAAOMPT, Amy Temes Clifton, PT, DPT, COMT, OCS, FAAOMPT & Ngozi Akataobi, PT, DPT, COMT, FAAOMPT
Approx hours: 10 (7 hours on-site and 3 hours online)

This course is designed for the small statured physical therapist or anyone wanting to learn technique modification so they can more comfortably and effectively treat larger patients. If you want to learn how to handle patients of all sizes and do it with more efficiency and effectiveness, then this is the course for you.

Specific, focused thrust joint manipulation is about precision, finesse and using the right technique for your body. This course emphasizes ergonomically efficient manipulation techniques. We will reinforce that speed and body mechanics determine how well you are able to manipulate, not your size. This course uses an all-sourced evidence-informed approach to increase the physical therapists’ knowledge and skill with spinal manipulation.

Click on the image below to see upcoming Manip With Ease courses.

S-921 Advanced Concepts for the Overhead Athlete

Anatomical and Biomechanical Kinetic Chain concepts

Instructor: Angela Gordon, PT, DSc, MPT, FAAOMPT, COMT, ATC, OCS, FMS
Approx hours: 14

Overhead athletes require special characteristics to allow them the mobility and stability to perform their sport. There are considerable anatomical and biomechanical kinetic chain concepts that the physical therapist must understand to treat these athletes appropriately. Normal upper quarter function is dependent upon controlled and sequenced motion of all component parts; the lower quarter also plays a major role in setting up the upper quarter to perform properly.

During this course, these anatomical and biomechanical considerations of the entire kinetic chain will be covered in detail, along with extensive lab time for mastering examination and intervention skills. A range of overhead sports will be covered with a review of the differences between each. Advanced techniques such as video analysis, scrutiny of the pitcher’s mechanics, and live demonstration of an overhead athlete evaluation will be incorporated into this course.

Click on the image below to see upcoming courses.

A Manual Therapy Approach through Pregnancy and Beyond

Instructor:  Amber Bartz, PT, DPT, OCS, COMT, CSCS, FAAOMPT
Approx hours: 14 hours on-site

During pregnancy up to 2/3 of women will experience  low back pain, pelvic pain, pubic pain or a combination of all three. Physical therapy can be very effective for managing these pregnancy related symptoms. Unfortunately, many physical therapists do not feel comfortable treating this population and think only a women’s health PT can help. In this course you will learn that a manual therapy approach, including many techniques  you already know can be safely and successfully applied to pregnant patients. You will learn the anatomical and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, how to assess the pregnant patient, and treatment modifications that can be safely made. At the end of the course, participants will be confident in providing care to the pregnant patient.

Click on the image below to see upcoming courses.