Join the Virtual Accelerated CMPT Series

  • Convenience - You can complete all courses including NAIOMT CMPT certification in just one year.
  • 100% Online - Join the courses from home or from your clinic. The Zoom parts are synchronous and interactive. You will need to secure a model for the lab portions of each course. 
  • Savings - Accelerated series participants enjoy a significantly reduced cost per course.
  • Expert Mentorship - Courses are instructed by NAIOMT faculty instructors who are readily available to cohort participants in between courses.
  • Support - Attending each course with the same group throughout the year fosters beneficial camaraderie and support as you go through the program.
  • Career Satisfaction - Experience your career in a whole new, satisfying way as you gain the skills it takes to treat more complex patient problems.
  • Continuing Education: NAIOMT is an approved provider through the TPTA. Each course in the Accelerated CMPT Virtual Series is worth 21 CEUs.

Secure Your Spot Today

Limited Number of Seats

  • Only 16 seats are available.

Contact Us to Register

  • Please email Susan Windsor at [email protected] to reserve your spot in the cohort and register for the Accelerated CMPT Virtual series.
Watch Intro Video

Mobilizations in Side Lying Utilizing Locking

Watch faculty instructor Terry Pratt demonstrate mobilizations in side lying utilizing locking. These techniques are useful and versatile in everyday practice for pain modulation and to increase joint mobility in patients with low back pain. This technique is taught in the NAIOMT course C-611 Lumbopelvic Spine II.

What Our Students Say

If you are a novice practitioner committed to the orthopedic manual physical therapy, NAIOMT will give you an excellent foundation to help you master the patient with complex neuromuscular conditions. Safe and efficient manual therapy assessments and interventions based on sound clinical reasoning, current evidence, and anatomy and physiology are taught in a comfortable setting with time for hands-on learning and feedback.

For the experienced practitioner, NAIOMT will complement your current clinical skills while challenging you to grow in areas of clinical reasoning and deepen your appreciation for doing the basics well. Mastery enables you to handle even the most complicated regional interdependent conditions.

Mette Coleman, PT, CMPT, DSc student, Fellow in training OMPT

Course Organizer


The North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy

The North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy, Inc. (NAIOMT) is a private physical therapist-owned organization dedicated to achieving the highest standards of clinical practice for manual physical therapists.

NAIOMT specializes in a flexible teaching program, which seeks to promote the utilization of safe, effective and efficient manual physical therapy management of musculoskeletal dysfunction. It further seeks an environment that is conducive to the application of a reasoned approach to manual physical therapy through critical inquiry and the creation of new knowledge and skills based on scientific study and dissemination of that knowledge.

NAIOMT strongly supports the union of the clinician, academician and researcher to further facilitate the development of quality patient care, physical therapy education and the development of master clinicians.